NiteBecky's Chat Rooms

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To enter one of NiteBecky's Chat Rooms, click the "Chat Now" button next to the Chat Room Name. You will be instantly logged in. If no one is in chat to talk with you, just hang out for a while and surf in another browser window. Someone should be along eventually. Because this is a public chat room located off my server I can take no responsibility for the chat content. This chat room is unmoderated. I ask all people using this room to please keep in mind that this is a family oriented and to keep their chat clean and non-offensive. If these chat room rules are not observed then I will have to remove the chat rooms. If you encounter problems with people using this chat room, please notify me.

These are the HTML based chats I host. If you have WebTV or AOL please use these if the JAVA Chats above won't work for you...

Chat Now Christian Family General Chat (HTML)
Chat Now Chronic Illness & Pain Chat (HTML)

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